Case Studies: New Boss | Merger | Reorganization

Case Studies


See How Patti Helped These Organizations

case-studyAn agent is someone who produces an effect; an instrument by which a guiding intelligence achieves a result. The CHANGE AGENT’s extensive research and customization produce results. Patti Hathaway interviews your people to gain insider (intelligence) information which guides her in customizing the program content to meet your specific concerns.

Perspective is the capacity to view things in their true relative importance. When you’re so close to the situation, it is hard to have perspective. The CHANGE AGENT has worked with thousands of people across the United States. This provides us with an outside perspective that is credible and powerful. When we blend our outside perspective with your specific issues, the results speak for themselves.

The following real case demonstrate the results and recommendations of The CHANGE AGENT.


Audio Excerpts:

“Job Security Fears” (4.30 minutes)

“Patti’s Unique Approach to Change” (7.40 minutes)


Situation: As part of the governor’s effort to streamline government to better serve the citizens of Ohio, the Department of Commerce’s Division of Financial Institutions was created. The division reorganized the Division of Banks, Credit Unions and Savings and Loans/Savings Banks into a single coordinated entity. The consolidation forced the reorganization of the management structure as well as the regions.

The major goal was to reduce the annual expenditure of the three former divisions by a significant amount. This would be accomplished in part by reducing the administrative redundancy that resulted from the operation of three relatively small divisions engaged in very similar work. An additional goal of the reorganization was to cross train examiners to be able to assist other examiners for institutions outside of their areas of specialty.

The division staff’s initial response was one of fear for their job security. People were concerned about how the organizational structure was created and how it was to be implemented. The new superintendent asked for input and received none. The staff wanted to provide input but were unsure of who to tell. In general, there was a lack of trust and communication among administration and staff. A major concern was who the field examiners were to go to in the main office with questions.

Solution: As part of the reorganization, all three former divisions met together for their first annual combined conference. Patti Hathaway, The Change Agent, was invited to be speaker for the opening day of the conference.


“Your opening day presentation received “rave” reviews and provided the perfect ice breaker for the conference. The staff was especially impressed with your knowledge and insights of where we are in the change process, and they appreciated your helping us to recognize and deal with our feeling toward the changes that have taken place during the past months. I look forward to working with you again in the future.”


Recommendations for Similar Reorganization Situations

The CHANGE AGENT’s Recommendations for Management:

  1. Provide avenues for input to the management structure with the caveat that the director will have the final say. Ask for feedback from those employees who will be directly affected.
  2. Develop a newsletter to address the concerns as they arise.
  3. Consider including a “Rumor of the Month” section and provide facts to refute the rumor(s).
  4. Try to minimize extra layers of management with the new structure since the original goal was to save $1 million in expenses. Management is considered by line staff to be an expense.
  5. Once the management structure has been defined, allow for focus group feedback on how to implement the new structure.
  6. Allow staff to state their concerns and try to address those concerns.
  7. Provide a flow chart outlining the new responsibilities in the main office so people know whom to contact.

The CHANGE AGENTs’s Recommendations for Staff:

  1. Provide constructive feedback on the originally proposed structure.
  2. Give feedback to the director when asked. Volunteer to work on a transition team.
  3. Concentrate on doing your job to the best of your ability. Don’t waste time on rumors.
  4. Ask questions.
  5. Develop your own career plan to continue your own growth. Look at all new career options in the new structure. Upgrade skills as needed.
  6. Volunteer to be cross-trained.


Case Studies: New Boss | Merger | Reorganization

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