An agent is someone who produces an effect; an instrument by which a guiding intelligence achieves a result. The CHANGE AGENT’s extensive research and customization produce results. Patti Hathaway interviews your people to gain insider (intelligence) information which guides her in customizing the program content to meet your specific concerns.
Perspective is the capacity to view things in their true relative importance. When you’re so close to the situation, it is hard to have perspective. The CHANGE AGENT has worked with thousands of people across the United States. This provides us with an outside perspective that is credible and powerful. When we blend our outside perspective with your specific issues, the results speak for themselves.
The following real case demonstrate the results and recommendations of The CHANGE AGENT.
Audio Excerpts:
“Mourning the Past” (2.58 minutes)
“Patti’s Unique Approach to Change” (7.40 minutes)
Situation: When a new president comes on board, excitement and apprehension go hand in hand. The arrival of the new president to Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, was met with great excitement. As the new leader, he appointed all new Vice Presidents to his cabinet.
The Vice President selected for the Business and Fiscal Affairs division quickly implemented some changes in the way her division conducted business. Some of her expectations included: preparing trend analyses rather than just producing numbers on the fiscal reports, and the implementation of business process improvement for the paper flow in the entire division. Her main goal was to have people think for themselves rather than having someone give them step-by-step instructions of what to do as was the norm.
The new VP’s style was met with fear (for job security), mistrust of her motives, and frustration at having to change the way staff had done their job (have we done everything wrong all these years?). She tried to keep the communication channels open by writing a monthly division newsletter and hosting division-wide informal chats. These efforts were met with a lukewarm response.
Solution: After discussions with the Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, it was agreed to bring in Patti Hathaway, The CHANGE AGENT, to do some confidential focus groups in order to develop a full-day training program for the management team and a half day training session for the rest of the division’s staff (approximately 250 employees). As a result of the success of the programs delivered in the Business and Fiscal Affairs division, Patti Hathaway was asked to conduct a two-day retreat for the President and Deans to assist them in building more effective partnerships. She also worked with several other departments to facilitate team retreats.
“Thanks for an impactful series of programs on change for our entire division. Your programs made a difference from the President, Cabinet, and Deans to the maintenance workers! Because of your unique ability to understand our needs and customize your content to address those needs, we’re excited you are doing a series of management and professional development programs for the entire university staff.”
The CHANGE AGENT’s Recommendations for Management:
The CHANGE AGENT’s Recommendations for Staff:
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