Patient Experience Hub: Team Resources | eLearning | Links | Community
Patient Experience Hub

Welcome to my Patient Experience Hub! I’m so excited that you are taking my Enrich Your Job and Boost HCAHPS Scores eLearning program. If you’d like to view the free Program Preview of 3 lessons, click here: Avanoo
You will find several resources on this page:
- Links to all 30 Research & Team Resources pdfs. Each pdf contains the Enrich Your Job and Boost HCAHPS Scores lesson’s research resources and a Team Huddle Question for you to discuss as a team.
- If your hospital or healthcare system wants to earn CME or CE accredidation for this HCAHPS eLearning program, ask about Patti’s CME Addendum HCAHPS Research List. Patti has done all the work for you. Please contact her for a word document that contains all the documentation (except for your hospital-specific needs data) needed for a CME accreditation application for this program as well as Patti’s Living Powerfully During Nonstop Change eLearning program.
- Helpful Links to videos and other resources that you might find useful in improving your Patient Experience and HCAHPS Scores. A Community Page where you can share stories of how you applied what you took away from the eLearning.
Please contact me if you have ideas you would like me to address in future eLearning programs. I’m also interested in your stories (positive or negative) for future healthcare programs.

Explore other parts of my website as I have many free articles, case studies, and learning resources available for you.
Patient Experience Hub: Team Resources | eLearning | Links | Community