The Change Agent Blog:

Tool for Deepening Customer Loyalty

Our boys played lacrosse all four years in high school as a club sport. That basically means that a team of parents did what the athletic director would do for a school-sponsored sport – they hired and fired coaches, scheduled games and transportation, etc. While my husband Jim served on the board for 3 years, my biggest contribution (other than selling more mulch than any other family for our annual fundraiser) was to put together a web survey to evaluate the coaches and club each year.

survey-rest-areaOne of this month’s tips talks about using surveys for customer feedback. Over the years, I’ve learned some things about doing surveys both personally (lacrosse team) as well as professionally to assess the needs of my clients:

Timing is important. If the survey is too far after the event, people don’t want to fill them out. Likewise if you put the survey deadline too far out, it will get lost in the busyness of life and people won’t complete it.
The people who feel negative about their experience are far more likely to complete a survey than those who are satisfied.
The open ended questions tend to provide far better information than those questions that simply ask for a rating. However, the rating questions can be used to compare progress from survey to survey.
People need to see how you use the survey results. Refer back to the results when you discuss policy, procedure, pricing, and/or people changes so that they see that their feedback was used.

My favorite web survey tool is SurveyMonkey – it allows you to develop a survey using your logo and colors (with a professional membership). For personal uses, you can use their free basic membership. And, most importantly it’s easy to use.

Today’s tips are from my 107 Tips for Creating Customer Loyalty booklet:

  • Use a Customer Satisfaction Survey for customer feedback. Let employees know what happens to customer comments. Suggest specific action plan ideas to individuals and/or departments on how to improve their customer service ratings. If using a Customer Satisfaction Survey, provide bonuses based on improvement or number of excellents received.
  • Provide an on-going customer service column in your employee newsletter. Keep customer service in the front of your employees’ minds.
  • Increase compensation for all employees who provide good customer service.

Essential Oil Recommendation: Deep Relief

Deep-relief-roll-on Deep Relief Essential Oil Roll is a proprietary blend of oils specially formulated to relieve muscle soreness and tension. It’s also great for headaches including migraines. Peppermint, Wintergreen, Copal and Palo Santo essential oils as well as others play an integral part of healing in this blend. Apply on the location where you have soreness or tension every fifteen minutes for up to four applications. I find this oil very effective for my aches and pains and really like the portable convenience of a roll on application.

For more information, visit Young Living Essential Oils

Tips for Managing Your Customers Through Change

My youngest son Drew and I have finished all of his college visits and he’s made his final selection. Drew has struggled with the immensity of deciding what he wants to do with his life. Regardless of the fact that we told him that many people change their mind about their career a multitude of times, it was important to him to figure it out before college (and it definitely impacted his college selection – see the end of the blog if you want to know what he decided).

It’s been a great opportunity for me to watch the process of change with him over these last couple of months. To help solidify his decision, I suggested he take the Keirsey Career Temperament instrument ( on-line for $19.95. It provides a detailed description of a person’s temperament (i.e. personality) and the likely careers this person would enjoy. It also included links to the job descriptions which included detailed description including job outlook. A great tool for the undecided student (or adult in transition)!

I learned that transitions and change is difficult for the young and old alike. During this same time, my husband Jim’s dad transitioned into an assisted living facility at the age of 93. We experienced first-hand the importance of clear communication as a “customer” with the colleges we visited as well as the nursing home. There is far too much assuming the customer knows about the changes that will impact them. So it is fitting that my tips are on how to manage your customers through change.

Today’s tips are from my 93 Tips for Managing Change booklet:

  • Obtain customer feedback on the change(s). Consider conducting focus groups or surveys of customers to gain their input on potential changes. Invite your key customers to be part of the change process. Ask your customers, “How can we better serve your needs as our customer?” If you ask for feedback, listen and be willing to consider the customer’s input.
  • Help your customers understand the “why” behind the changes that impact them. Customers want to know, “What’s in it for me?” Share the benefits to the customer as to why you are making the changes. Capture the heart of your customer by being clear as to how your changes benefit them and you can win their loyalty.
  • Coordinate and collaborate with other department within your company. Be wary of overlaps and the potential competition that may develop between departments due to the organizational changes. It is very frustrating when two or more different departments all call the customer. The customer very quickly concludes that you really don’t know what you are doing.

Essential Oil Recommendation: Valor

Valor-oil Valor is called “chiropractor in a bottle’. It contains spruce, rosewood, blue tansy and frankincense. A powerful combination, when blended together, it balances the electrical energies in the body. This is an oil I apply each day. It is excellent for back or joint pain/injury – my mom uses it each night because she has such joint pain in her knees that it would wake her up each night. It’s also useful for TMJ, sciatica, anxiety, sleep apnea, stiff neck, or spinal adjustment. My brother has a snoring issue which has been remedied with valor oil used each night.

For more information, visit

The Rest of Drew’s Story…


Drew was accepted into the Chemical Engineering program at the 3 colleges where he applied: The Ohio State University, University of Dayton, and University of Cincinnati. He received scholarships at all 3 schools. After an overnight engineering visit to Dayton which was his #1 choice, he took his hosts’ advice and took one last visit to OSU’s Food OSU sign.jpgEngineering department. His Keirsey Assessment indicated his personality would do best in an engineering or scientist job. He did a lot of thinking (very typical) and on-line research and has decided to major in Food Science and Technology at OSU. Because of his 39 Post Secondary Education Option college credits from Columbus State Community College, he plans to finish his B.S. in Food Science in 3 years and then go on immediately to earn his M.S. in Food Chemistry. So, he’ll graduate at the same time as his engineering counterparts. He hopes to get a research and development scientist position in the food industry.

Customers Still Rule!

telephoneI’ve been having some problems with my phone service over the last 3 weeks and havtelephone.jpge literally spent 6-7 hours on the phone with AT&T. Normally, I would really be mad when they can’t seem to get it right the first time – but – they are SO good with apologizing and seemingly fixing things that I haven’t been really upset. I also didn’t feel like they were rushing to get me off the phone to beat some unknown clock counter in their call center which is a great improvement over previous years when I called them.

Even the tech who came to my home yesterday gave me his personal business card and told me to call him directly if I continue to have problems. Wow – I wasn’t expecting that from a tech! It has been a great lesson for me in that if you truly care and empathize with your customer’s problem, they will not get nearly as upset as they could. I really could have given them a piece of my mind but instead I’m patiently waiting for them to fix my problem (and I hope today is that day!).

Today’s tips are from my 107 Tips for Developing Customer Loyalty booklet under the topic of “Tips for Your Company”:

  • Allow your employees to dress up on holidays. Encourage them to give out candy and do unique, special things for your customers who stop in.
  • For call center employees, avoid basing their performance appraisal ratings and raises on “time spent” per phone call. This may be detrimental, particularly with new customers. Your employees should be encouraged to build rapport and share important information with your customers.
  • Provide on-going positive feedback to staff. Feedback is the “breakfast of champions.” Research indicates employees prefer feedback to money. Be specific in the feedback, rather than general so that your employee knows what behavior to repeat. Simple thank-yous or positive strokes from management would be greatly appreciated by all employees.

Essential Oil Recommendation: Thieves

thieves-essential oilIn the 14th and 15th centuries, a great plague ravaged Europe and millions of people died. According to historical archives, there were a groupthieves essential oil.jpg of men who were able to walk among the dead and dying and steal from them – they were thieves (perfumers by trade). When the thieves were caught and brought to the king, he offered them leniency if they would tell him how they were able to do this. Today, we have an essential oil named in their honor – Thieves – and we have a whole product line based on this amazing oil.

This blend of therapeutic-grade essential oils was tested at Weber State University in 1997. The studies showed a 99.3% reduction in the number of bacterial organisms after diffusing for a total of 20 minutes. Research shows that cold air diffusion of Thieves may reduce bacteria, fungus and toxic molds.

The highly anti-viral, antiseptic properties of the single oils contained in this blend help protect the body from the onset of flu, candida, colds, etc. It may also help with sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, coughs, strep, sore throats, periodontal disease (we have Thieves dental products), cold sores, canker sores, bruises, cuts, and infection. Thieves oil is as Anti-Plague today, as when it was used by the thieves in England.

Personally, I use Thieves to prevent myself from getting colds or flu. Even if people around me are sick, I don’t and I attribute that to Thieves. I also use the Thieves toothpaste and I haven’t had a canker sore since using it and the receding of my gums has stopped and even improved.
For more information, visit
Make it a great week!

How Quickly Time Flies!

As much as I appreciate technology, it often overwhelms me. I switched to a blog format so I could send out these messages more often and instead it takes me months to actually write my blogs. I also find if I don’t answer my e-mails immediately they sometimes get lost and forgotten.

And then there is the social networking – FaceBook, LinkedIn and dozens of others. Whew! There are so many great ways to connect with others and so much great information out there but just never enough time to explore it all. It seems strange that I can hardly remember life before the Internet. How about you? Is the pace of change breathtaking for you as well?

It’s been interesting that the last couple of clients I have been working with this year has been in the area of change – mergers, downsizing because of the economy, doing more with less, etc. So it seems timely that my tips on change this month are in the area of “Managing Your Job”. I hope you find these tips from my 93 Tips for Managing Change booklet helpful:

  • Standardize work in your department. Recommend some single ways of doing some of your department activities, processes, procedures, and/or paperwork so that you all can do the activity the same way and save time. Use some of your staff meeting time to share best practices in these areas.
  • Automate and/or mechanize your job tasks. Look for ways to apply tools, technology, equipment, and computers to boring, routine activities to free you and other employees up to do more creative activities.
  • Increase your communication. Locate the problems with the current means of communication within your department and make suggestions for how to improve. Discuss with your manager how you would like your manager to communicate to you. Share with your manager how you would like to communicate to him or her.

Essential Oil Recommendation: Grapefruit

Grapefruit, also called Shaddock, is a Citrus fruit, whose scientific name is Citrus Paradisi. It is also known by two other scientific names, Citrus Racemosa and Citrus Maxima. The later, is because of its big size. Like all other citrus fruits, its Essential Oil is present in its peel and extracted by compression (so it doesn’t interfere with statin drugs like eating a grapefruit would). Many of its medicinal properties match those of the essential oils of other citrus fruits. The Grapefruit Essential Oil is composed of Limonene, Alpha Pinene, Sabinene, Myrcene, Geraniol, Linalool, Citronellal, Decyl Acetate, Neryl Acetate and Terpinenol, out of which the top two constituents are Limonene and Myrcene. A grapefruit tastes great and great are the medicinal properties of its essential oil.

Let us now see what big benefits the essential oil of this big boy has in store for us.

Anti Oxidant: Like the fruit itself, the essential oil of Grapefruit is rich in anti oxidants. Primarily, in Vitamin-C. This vitamin, in assistance from other anti oxidant components present in Grapefruit Essential Oil, boosts our immune system and fights free radicals. This oil is effective in protecting the body from all harms done by the oxidants, like aging, degeneration of tissues, macular degeneration, loss of vision and hearing, mental and physical sluggishness, nervous disorders and other such problems.

Diuretic: The diuretic properties of Grapefruit Essential Oil keep your body light and free from toxins by promoting urination. It help in removal of excess water, fats, sodium, uric acid and other toxins from the body and also reduces blood pressure and keeps our heart healthy. Frequent urinations also keep the urinary tract free from infections. It cleans kidneys of calcareous and uric deposits and protects them against renal calculi and infections too.

Disinfectant: The Anti Viral and Anti Microbial properties of Grapefruit Essential Oil make it a good disinfectant. It does not only protect the body from new infections but also eliminates the infections which are already there. It is particularly effective on infections of colon, stomach, intestines, urinary system, excretory system and kidneys. It is further beneficial for oral and ocular infections as well as infections on skin.

Stimulant: This oil stimulates and stimulates well. It has stimulating effects on the body and on the mind. It stimulates brain, makes it active and gives new directions to thoughts as well as stimulates endocrinal glands and promotes proper secretion of hormones and enzymes, thereby keeping in shape the whole metabolism. It further stimulates nervous system and makes you more active and alert. The digestive system is also benefited from this as it stimulates secretion of gastric juices and bile in the stomach as well as movement of ingested food through intestines. Further, it stimulates lymphatic system, circulatory system and excretory system.

Anti Depressant: Like essential oils of the most of the citrus fruits, the Grapefruit Essential Oil too has great uplifting and relaxing effects on mind. It induces a positive feeling and hope, cures depression and relieves of anxiety and stress. This effect is due to two reasons. First, due to its aroma and second, due to its stimulating effects which stimulates certain hormones which have uplifting effects on the brain.

Anti Septic: The anti septic properties of Grapefruit Essential Oil makes it fit for application on bruises, wounds, cuts, acne and infections, to protect them from microbial infections. Further, being an anti septic, it prevents wound from catching tetanus or from being septic.

Lymphatic: This is the ace property of Grapefruit Essential Oil. It is lymphatic. The lymphatic system plays a vital role in our body. It is involved in the removal of unwanted and toxic substances from the body. Grapefruit Oil ensures a good health of lymphatic system and boosts it up, thereby freeing the body from toxins and fighting problems like cellulite, blood urea, rheumatism, arthritis, gout and renal calculi etc.

Tonic: You must be familiar with the term ‘Tonic’. It comes in packages like hair tonic, health tonic, liver tonic etc. Now what is tonic? A tonic is a substance that tones up systems. A hair tonic tones hair follicles and keeps your hair healthy and strong. A complete health tonic tones up all the organic systems operating inside, like the digestive system, circulatory system, metabolic system, nervous system and excretory system etc. and boosts up health and strength. Similarly a liver tonic tones up liver, improves its secretions and strengthens it. Do you need one? There is Grapefruit Oil.

Other Benefits: Keeps the skin clean. Particularly good for treating oily skin and acne. Gives a refreshing feeling. Also beneficial for treating stiffness and cramp in muscles.

I’ve had several friends who have been successful using Grapefruit Oil to lose weight. They mix 7 drops of Young Living Grapefruit Essential Oil with one gallon of water. They drink at least 2 cups of the water one hour before each meal. They say it really reduces their appetite and they are thrilled with the results! Let me know if you want more details about this oil. For more information, visit

It’s Going to be a Great New Year!

I’m very excited about 2010!

How about you? I’m ready for some new exciting things to take place in the New Year and I have great anticipation for what’s in store. Because of my passion for and research into natural health, which I touched on in my last blog, I’ve decided to pursue the business of educating and sharing the benefits of therapeutic-grade essential oils and products. If you live in Central Ohio, see my personal invitation below to come to one of my “Home Foot Spa Gatherings” – it’s a fabulously relaxing and informative hands-on experience with some of the oils in my home. I’d love to see you there!

This new business (along with my speaking/training business) will allow me to “practice what I preach” regarding customer service and leadership – and that thrills me! I was able to share some of that information at a recent hands-on educational session I conducted on Subconscious Selling Strategies for the Promotional Products Association International EXPO in Las Vegas last week. I really enjoyed my time with those folks!

Speaking of customer service, here are three new tips for your organization from my 107 Tips for Developing Customer Loyalty booklet:

  •  Instill a customer service “culture” within your organization by sharing positive front-line employee stories and special service examples with all employees.
  • Get outside media attention when your employees display extraordinary service. The employee will gain acclaim outside of your organization and the public becomes aware of these special acts.
  • Involve employees in policy making since they will be the people to implement the new policies (i.e., new fees, etc.). Management should periodically do the employees’ work so that they understand the impact of procedure or policy changes on the employees.


One of the Most Versatile and Practical Essential Oils

Peppermint-plantPeppermint oil was the first essential oil I was introduced to. It is absolutely amazing and it has worked for every person I’ve introduced to it (including those on chemotherapy who found it worked far better than the anti-nausea prescription they had been given).

A cyber-stroll through the National Library of Medicine (PubMed) turns up just under 100 abstracts of scientific studies on peppermint essential oil. These studies resulted in fascinating conclusions about this remarkable oil. Please let me know if you’d like my entire research article (4 pages of the most common uses) including references.

Surprising Effects

Peppermint oil applied topically for tension-type headaches was studied in a randomized,
placebo-controlled, double-blind study at Christian Albrechts University in Germany (Badia et al., 1990). The conclusion? “Peppermint oil seems to be a harmless and effective treatment for tension-type headaches.” University of Kiel researchers also found that peppermint oil and a mixture of peppermint and eucalyptus oil reduced headaches. (Ref. 1) The same study showed peppermint to be effective in reducing emotional irritation, depression, and apathy (inactivity).

A 2003 study conducted at Wheeling Jesuit University found that peppermint improved clerical productivity. (Ref. 2) Participants showed marked improvement in a card-sorting task as well as in typing accuracy and typing speed. The researchers concluded: “These results suggest peppermint odor may promote a general arousal of attention, so participants stay focused on their task and increase performance.” It’s also great for athletes – my son’s entire Cross Country running team smelled the Peppermint oil prior to running and the team won their conference and regionals this year!

Don’t Forget the Tummy!

For a small child who may have a tummy ache, an expectant mom experiencing morning sickness, or a person with “non-ulcer dyspepsia,” peppermint is a traditional help Researchers at the University of Exeter’s Department of Complementary Medicine looked at seventeen clinical trials, including nine studies involving peppermint and caraway constituents of herbal medicine products, and reported that 60-95 percent of patients reported improvements in symptoms. (Ref. 8)

Finally, please keep in mind that most oils you can purchase at a natural foods store contains only about 10% essential oil and the rest are fillers – this is all that is required by the USFDA. I’ve tried other oils and they didn’t work for me. I only use and recommend Young Living Essential Oils as they are guaranteed to be 100% therapeutic-grade A oils. You can order as a customer at by using my #1076662. Better yet, give me a call and I can tell you how to order wholesale (24% discount).

Home Foot Spa Invitation

You Are Personally Invited To a Relaxing Home Foot Spa Gathering!

spa-candle-towel-pinkYou will learn how therapeutic grade essential oils can change your life by experiencing a pampering foot spa*!

When:  Tuesday, February 9, 7- 9 pm

Where:  Patti Hathaway’s Home

Learn how to:

  • Restore a calm and balanced mood and enhance mental focus!
  • Stop a cold and flu before it makes you sick!
  • Ease pain and depression!
  • Relieve allergies and headaches!
  • Increase your energy level and stamina! 


R.S.V.P. Required by  February 1.  We only have spots for 8 guests. You are welcome to bring a friend – just RSVP so we can plan accordingly.


Please call:  523-3633 Or email:  


We Can’t Wait for You Join Us!


Make it a great week!

Get Passionate!

  • As I reflected on the recent college visit I made with our youngest son Drew, I began to assess why I enjoy doing college visits so much. It’s the passion I experience! No doubt I loved all four years I was in college (as well as my 2 years in graduate school) so I would naturally be drawn to college students right? But it’s more than that. What I saw reflected in our visit was not just a passionate student tour guide (I mean those are the only kinds of students the college would hire right?), it was the passion for learning and digging deeper that I saw in the department chair and in the engineering students we interviewed. I saw that passion spark excitement in my son for working and pushing himself harder in his final two years in high school so he could have the same thirst for hard work when he goes to college.

What about you? What gets you excited? What are you passionate about? I find the more I learn and the deeper I dig into a subject area, the more re-energized and passionate I become about how to use that content. For me, hands-on practical training works best for me. I’m in a 2-year program right now that has really changed my life with the knowledge I’m learning and what I’m applying from it. Interestingly enough, next month I’m doing my first webinar for a client so I’ll be curious what I think about that option after I personally experience it from the teaching end.

On the other hand, I also am passionate about doing Internet research when I’m learning about a new area. There is so much to learn at my fingertips! I’ve become an expert in the college selection process as well as how to earn athletic college scholarships. What I’ve learned works and it’s paying off for our family and many others.

More recently, I’ve been researching how to use therapeutic grade essential oils instead of traditional medicine and I’m passionate about what I am learning and using as a result. As an example, I’ve successfully replaced Bryan’s Attention Deficit Disorder and Anti-Depression meds (for the last 6 years) with essential oils – it’s costing much less, and more importantly, Bryan is happier and healthier as a result! I’d be happy to share my research with you.

Here are some additional tips regarding managing your job that fit in nicely with my theme this month on passion, research, and learning. They come from my 93 Tips for Managing Change booklet:

  • In order to “let go” of old tasks and processes, you will need to implement strategies to improve the organization’s business process. Eliminate bureaucracy by identifying the unnecessary administrative tasks, approvals, and paperwork and eliminating them.
  • Eliminate duplication by finding and eliminating the identical activities that are performed in several places or at different points in the process.
  • Simplify your job processes and procedures by suggesting ways that you could reduce the complexity in your department. List ways you could make your paperwork more uniform.

Let me know how I can be of service to you. Have a terrific Fall!

Your Attitude is Showing!

jpAh summer in Ohio! I enjoy being outside in the warmth and sunshine so I’ve decided to plant tomatoes again this year after seeing Bryan chow on my sister’s homemade salsa. How else will I use that salsa maker gizmo I bought at the Ohio State Fair years ago? I also have an amazing recipe for Greek Salad dressing that both boys rave about (email me if you want the recipe). How I love all the fresh vegetables and fruits this time of year.

Here’s a bonus gardening tip for this summer. After weeding some flowerbeds without gloves last week, I got poison ivy. Best solution I found is Fels Naptha bar soap found in the laundry detergent section of some stores. Immediate relief for about a dollar. I’m hoping you don’t have to use this tip!

cover-107-Customer-Loyalty-TipsWith both boys home for the summer (they are working part-time), I thought some tips on attitude would be helpful for all of us. These will not only help you at work but also at home. I hope you find these tips from my 107 Tips for Developing Customer Loyalty booklet helpful:

Look for the opportunity to be a problem-solver with your next customer. Consider those customer challenges to be an opportunity to show your value to the customer and your company.
Try to make your customer feel better for having been with you. Look for the humor in each situation. Challenge yourself to get each of your customers to smile at least once during your interaction with them.
Be a “gimper” for your customers. A gimper is someone who puts on extra special touches on the furniture they are making. Do a little something extra for your customer when they don’t expect it.
We’re excited to start the college lacrosse scholarship process for Drew as I researched the teams and colleges and put together his Athlete Fact Sheet. He and Jim have put together his Highlight DVD which we are sending to his top college choices this week. Drew earned 3 major awards this season and broke two high school records as a sophomore. He’s excited to be going to a recruiting camp next weekend in Baltimore.

A Resource for Anyone in a Relationship

Amazon-Lundberg A counselor friend of mine recommended a book to me that I have found to be the best self-help book that I have read in years (and I read a lot of books!): I Don’t Have to Make Everything All Better. The authors explain a powerful technique for improving one-on-one communication that involves careful, empathetic listening to another person’s feelings without judging, criticizing or attempting to solve his or her problems. The authors demonstrate this technique’s startling effectiveness in a variety of situations and provide readers with valuable coaching and specific responses. I found it immensely helpful as a parent and wife. This is a book I will continue to refer back to time and time again. Check it out at your library or buy a copy at

Enjoy your summer – I hope you take the time to relax, spend time with your family and friends, and read a book or two!


Deal with Change by Managing Upward

Innis-woods-blossomIt’s spring in Ohio and I love all the blossoming trees and flowers! This is a photo of an early Magnolia blossom from Innis Woods Metro Park which is about a half mile from our home. It’s always enjoyable to go for a walk there in the spring.

The blossoms are a reminder that after the deadness of winter, spring is always around the corner. It is also how I choose to think about life – when I have gone through times of difficulty and challenge; it is usually followed by learning and growth.

On to my message… For this post, I’ve decided to share four tips on how to manage your boss from my booklet “93 Tips for Managing Change.” Managing your boss is becoming more important with the shaky economy. I hope you find these tips helpful:

  • Identify information important to a new leader in your organization. Determine what format your boss would most appreciate this information. Proactively obtain and provide this information to your boss as a way of partnering with him or her.
  • Seek feedback on projects or assignments before a potential miscommunication can occur and mistakes become a crisis. If you are not clear about what your supervisor wants from you — ask questions.
  • Ask your boss and others for positive (not just negative or corrective) feedback.
  • Learn to “whine with purpose” to the people who impact and determine change in your organization. Ask the person for permission for you to give them some feedback on the proposed change. Use the DASS script to plan what you will say to them rather than reacting in anger.

             Describe the problematic decision or change
             Acknowledge how you feel about the change and the impact on the team
             Specify a solution
             Share with the person how this new plan will benefit him/her

Are you on FaceBook or Linked In? Let’s connect. You can find me on LinkedIn at: or on FaceBook at:


A new Favorite Resource:

Zonya movement_training_med-thumb-240x240I’ve had such great results from a fitness program that I’ve been doing since January that I’m going to pass the information on to you. My friend and speaking colleague, Zonya Foco and Movement Training Expert, Sherry McLaughlin put together a $15 DVD called the “Movement Training Program for Everyday Fitness.” The benefits I’ve enjoyed include stronger back (less pain) and core, flatter stomach and tighter butt. I’ve tried many different programs but none produced such good results.

The program is based on five Key Movement Facts: (1) You were designed to be symmetrical. (2) You were designed to move in three planes of motion. (3) Muscles only learn the lessons we teach them. (4) Pain (with age) is not inevitable. (5) It’s almost always about the butt.

Check out the free demo they have on Zonya’s website:

Let me know what you think…


Have a wonderful Spring!

Patti Hathaway, CSP & Business Advisor

Special St. Patrick’s Day Offer

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

…I knew you would not want to miss out on this Exclusive Private Invite to Celebrate…Today, March 17, St. Patrick’s Day! Do one simple thing today and within minutes the leprechauns will ‘gift’ you with a Pot o’ Gold filled with wisdom from over 50 of this planet’s most treasured authors, entrepreneurs, and speakers!

My friends and I came together to offer you this huge Pot o’ Gold with 50 + bonus gifts worth thousands of dollars, ABSOLUTELY FREE. WHY?  To support a dear friend of ours, Maureen G. Mulvaney, MGM. Help make her dream come true by celebrating the launch of her book: The Women’s Millionaire Club ~The Closely Guarded Secret Success Recipes of Millionaire Women for Building and Owning a Home-Based Business.

Think about it – the last recession we went through spawned many new successful entrepreneurs. Perhaps now is the time for you to learn more about what it takes to be successful?

But what if you are not a woman? No problem. Forward this offer to women you think may be interested. Or, just take a look at the free offers and you may want to buy the book for a friend just so you can take advantage of the 50 free bonus gifts (including mine).

MGM is my friend and an internationally known speaker and author.  She has inspired and motivated hundreds of thousands to transform their lives–I know she will inspire and motivate you. That’s why, I’m offering both of my Tips booklets (93 Tips for Managing Change and 107 Tips for Developing Customer Loyalty) as one of the Pot o’ Gold Free Bonus Gifts.

This is YOUR Exclusive Private Invitation to Claim Your Pot o’ Gold and Discover the Secret Success Recipes that will Explode Your Home Based Business. Click on this link to Open Your Exclusive Time-Limited Invite:

Thanks for Making MGM’s Dream Come True,
I know her Book will Help You Make Your Dreams Come True!
~Together, We Can Make This Book a Best Seller!

Patti Hathaway, CSP
Solving People Challenges

P.S. Don’t forget – to get your discount and Pot o’ Gold Bonus Gifts–Order
The Women’s Millionaire Club  Today…St. Patrick’s day…March 17, 2009!

Click on this link now to See All the Details:

The Myths and Realities of the Successful College Search – Feb 19 Special Program

valentine box-thumb-240x240Time-Limited Event Special Invitation – February

I am co-delivering a one-tie program for high School parents: The Myths and Realities of the Successful College Search

Are you overwhelmed with finding the right college for your student? Not sure where to even begin? Do you have a strategy for figuring out what your student wants to major in and how their interests match to specific colleges? Do you want your student to earn scholarships but don’t know where or how to begin the process of getting them noticed? This workshop will address the top five myths of the successful college search:

  1. My student will do most of the college search work him/herself and/or the HS guidance counselor will help my student find the right college.
  2. Any school will do as long as my student goes to college.You can take side-trips to visit colleges while on your summer vacation.
  3. Top academic students will automatically get scholarships.
  4. Only top athletes get athletic scholarships.
  5. Taught by two moms, Patti Hathaway and Karen Matis, who have done extensive research and who have been successful in helping their students through the college search process. They will share with you what has worked for their families and how you can do the same.

Who Should Attend: High School Parents and Students

Date: Thursday, February 19, 2009

Time: 7:00-9:00 p.m.

Location: Heritage Christian Church, 7413 Maxtown Road (Westerville, Ohio 43082), Room 210 (follow the signs to the room). Main evening entrance is on west side of the church.

RSVP by February 17 to: (so we have enough chairs and outlines) or register on-line (scroll down alphabetically for “Myths and Realities of the Successful College Search”)

You are an outstanding motivational speaker. As I glanced around the room, it was obvious that you had everyone’s attention. Some comments included, “Patti is the best speaker I’ve heard in quite awhile. The information was timely and useful!

LOMA (FLMI) Society of Ohio / Insurance

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