Patti has been quoted in many articles and on many subjects. The other articles listed are authored by Patti and are available for your use. Please contact Patti if you would like permission to use her article(s) in your publication. The articles are organized by Patti’s four areas of expertise:
Change Management | Customer Loyalty | Leadership Articles | Communication Skills
“You Can Never Communicate Enough,” Strategies, September 2005.
“Get Your New Managers Moving,” Harvard Management Update, June 2004.
“Are You Delegating So It Sticks?” Harvard Management Update, July 2004.
“Executive Life: Cutting Meetings Down to Size,” New York Times, January 11, 2004.
“Human Resources: Better Training,” Credit Union Management, September 2004.
“Getting Results from Teams,” Ohio Society of Association Executives, October 1994.
Excuses Managers Give for Avoiding Criticism – Here are the 3 most common excuses why managers avoid giving criticism to their employees
The Power of Expectations – Most employees will rise to your level of expectations for them. Has it ever occurred to you that your least productive employee is that way because you expect no more from them?
Silence is Not Golden – No news means you are abandoning your role as a manager and leaving your employee to figure out what your expectations are and whether or not they are fulfilling them.
Do They Really Listen and Learn? – Often, we don’t know whether or not our employees are really listening to us. We need to let loose of our control and give our employees the opportunity to gain our trust. It’s only then we can test the greatness of our employees.
How Puppy-Training is Much Like Dealing with New Employees – Through a puppy-training experience, you can understand in a new way how powerful it is when managers dictate exactly what a new employee needs to do and how they do it.
Show Me the Love, then Show Me the Money – Research proves that caring relationships between managers and employees directly affect a company’s employee retention, productivity, profitability, and customer service metrics.
Change Management | Customer Loyalty | Leadership Articles | Communication Skills
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