The Change Agent Blog:

Change Agent Briefing V4 Issue 2


Dealing with Difficult People. When it comes to criticism, most people think it is more blessed to give criticism than to receive it, particularly if the criticism comes from a difficult person. Capitalize on three techniques you can use when dealing with critics.

Download issue in Acrobat Portable Document Format (.PDF)

Audio Excerpts:

Typical Reactions to Complaints and Criticism” (5.50 minutes)


Fog, Don’t Flog Your Critics” (9.51 minutes)


The Problem with Information Assumption” (5.46 minutes)

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We received many favorable comments from our members. They were impressed with your professional manner and the way you added humor and personal life stories into the program. It was obvious that you did your homework by incorporating physician-specific issues into your presentation helped to make the program a success.

Sacramento-El Dorado Medical Society

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