The Change Agent Blog:

Are You a Thermostat or a Thermometer?

As I prepare to be with family over Thanksgiving, I begin thinking about what attitude I will be bringing. When it comes to dealing with others, are you a Thermostat or Thermometer? Do you SET the temperature in the room or REFLECT it?

Female hand setting a digital thermostat

Female hand setting a digital thermostat

As a Thermostat, you can set a healing or a destructive temperature. Sadly in our nation over the last few months we have witnessed many destructive Thermostats – people setting the temperature to boiling anger (on both sides). It greatly saddens me yet I recognize that people in pain and distress can often be incredibly mean and ugly. It’s likely that in everyday life they are not that way at all.

Electronic body thermometer. Healthy temperature. Fahrenheit
On the other hand, some people wait to see what kind of behavior is presented and then reflect that temperature back. That is Thermometer behavior.

As we move towards Thanksgiving this week, let’s decide right now what being a Thermostat looks like for you. Today, take 30 seconds before you see your customer, colleague, or family member to take a deep breath and set your mind to being a positive Thermostat. Choose to project the attitude YOU want to receive from that person. A warm smile reaches down through a person’s fear. A healing touch lowers a person’s blood pressure and heart rate. It doesn’t matter who you deal with, the attitude you project will always be reflected back to you.

Author John Maxwell said, “The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That’s the day we truly grow up.”

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!
Patti Hathaway, M.Ed., CSP
Business Advisor & Author of 5 books
Solving Your People Challenges
Author of 4 Avanoo eLearning Programs
phone: 1-800-339-0973

Happy Thanksgiving Day - text in vintage letterpress wood type with fall decoration (acorns, cones, leaf and vine berries) against rustic wood

Happy Thanksgiving Day – text in vintage letterpress wood type with fall decoration (acorns, cones, leaf and vine berries) against rustic wood

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My company recently merged with another large financial institution...As I reviewed the many programs on managing change, I found that most took a “change is good” and “get on board or get out” approach. With an eye toward a tight workforce and wanting to minimize turnover and maximize the strengths of the existing employee base, I knew that this approach would not work with our organization. Patti Hathaway is refreshingly direct and supportive of the human side of the merger and challenged people to handle the change because of the benefit it would bring to them. She tailored the program to our company and was both direct and insightful with her presentation. Patti is an excellent speaker and clearly enjoys working with a challenging audience.

Bank One Corporation

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