The Change Agent Blog:

It’s Going to be a Great New Year!

I’m very excited about 2010!

How about you? I’m ready for some new exciting things to take place in the New Year and I have great anticipation for what’s in store. Because of my passion for and research into natural health, which I touched on in my last blog, I’ve decided to pursue the business of educating and sharing the benefits of therapeutic-grade essential oils and products. If you live in Central Ohio, see my personal invitation below to come to one of my “Home Foot Spa Gatherings” – it’s a fabulously relaxing and informative hands-on experience with some of the oils in my home. I’d love to see you there!

This new business (along with my speaking/training business) will allow me to “practice what I preach” regarding customer service and leadership – and that thrills me! I was able to share some of that information at a recent hands-on educational session I conducted on Subconscious Selling Strategies for the Promotional Products Association International EXPO in Las Vegas last week. I really enjoyed my time with those folks!

Speaking of customer service, here are three new tips for your organization from my 107 Tips for Developing Customer Loyalty booklet:

  •  Instill a customer service “culture” within your organization by sharing positive front-line employee stories and special service examples with all employees.
  • Get outside media attention when your employees display extraordinary service. The employee will gain acclaim outside of your organization and the public becomes aware of these special acts.
  • Involve employees in policy making since they will be the people to implement the new policies (i.e., new fees, etc.). Management should periodically do the employees’ work so that they understand the impact of procedure or policy changes on the employees.


One of the Most Versatile and Practical Essential Oils

Peppermint-plantPeppermint oil was the first essential oil I was introduced to. It is absolutely amazing and it has worked for every person I’ve introduced to it (including those on chemotherapy who found it worked far better than the anti-nausea prescription they had been given).

A cyber-stroll through the National Library of Medicine (PubMed) turns up just under 100 abstracts of scientific studies on peppermint essential oil. These studies resulted in fascinating conclusions about this remarkable oil. Please let me know if you’d like my entire research article (4 pages of the most common uses) including references.

Surprising Effects

Peppermint oil applied topically for tension-type headaches was studied in a randomized,
placebo-controlled, double-blind study at Christian Albrechts University in Germany (Badia et al., 1990). The conclusion? “Peppermint oil seems to be a harmless and effective treatment for tension-type headaches.” University of Kiel researchers also found that peppermint oil and a mixture of peppermint and eucalyptus oil reduced headaches. (Ref. 1) The same study showed peppermint to be effective in reducing emotional irritation, depression, and apathy (inactivity).

A 2003 study conducted at Wheeling Jesuit University found that peppermint improved clerical productivity. (Ref. 2) Participants showed marked improvement in a card-sorting task as well as in typing accuracy and typing speed. The researchers concluded: “These results suggest peppermint odor may promote a general arousal of attention, so participants stay focused on their task and increase performance.” It’s also great for athletes – my son’s entire Cross Country running team smelled the Peppermint oil prior to running and the team won their conference and regionals this year!

Don’t Forget the Tummy!

For a small child who may have a tummy ache, an expectant mom experiencing morning sickness, or a person with “non-ulcer dyspepsia,” peppermint is a traditional help Researchers at the University of Exeter’s Department of Complementary Medicine looked at seventeen clinical trials, including nine studies involving peppermint and caraway constituents of herbal medicine products, and reported that 60-95 percent of patients reported improvements in symptoms. (Ref. 8)

Finally, please keep in mind that most oils you can purchase at a natural foods store contains only about 10% essential oil and the rest are fillers – this is all that is required by the USFDA. I’ve tried other oils and they didn’t work for me. I only use and recommend Young Living Essential Oils as they are guaranteed to be 100% therapeutic-grade A oils. You can order as a customer at by using my #1076662. Better yet, give me a call and I can tell you how to order wholesale (24% discount).

Home Foot Spa Invitation

You Are Personally Invited To a Relaxing Home Foot Spa Gathering!

spa-candle-towel-pinkYou will learn how therapeutic grade essential oils can change your life by experiencing a pampering foot spa*!

When:  Tuesday, February 9, 7- 9 pm

Where:  Patti Hathaway’s Home

Learn how to:

  • Restore a calm and balanced mood and enhance mental focus!
  • Stop a cold and flu before it makes you sick!
  • Ease pain and depression!
  • Relieve allergies and headaches!
  • Increase your energy level and stamina! 


R.S.V.P. Required by  February 1.  We only have spots for 8 guests. You are welcome to bring a friend – just RSVP so we can plan accordingly.


Please call:  523-3633 Or email:  


We Can’t Wait for You Join Us!


Make it a great week!

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Your program was excellent! The participants evaluated your presentation style with all perfect scores. The information was practical and immediately applicable. I have taught change management and yet I can say I feel I double the amount of practical information that I learned.

Cleveland Clinic Health System

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