The Change Agent Blog:

Deal with Change by Managing Upward

Innis-woods-blossomIt’s spring in Ohio and I love all the blossoming trees and flowers! This is a photo of an early Magnolia blossom from Innis Woods Metro Park which is about a half mile from our home. It’s always enjoyable to go for a walk there in the spring.

The blossoms are a reminder that after the deadness of winter, spring is always around the corner. It is also how I choose to think about life – when I have gone through times of difficulty and challenge; it is usually followed by learning and growth.

On to my message… For this post, I’ve decided to share four tips on how to manage your boss from my booklet “93 Tips for Managing Change.” Managing your boss is becoming more important with the shaky economy. I hope you find these tips helpful:

  • Identify information important to a new leader in your organization. Determine what format your boss would most appreciate this information. Proactively obtain and provide this information to your boss as a way of partnering with him or her.
  • Seek feedback on projects or assignments before a potential miscommunication can occur and mistakes become a crisis. If you are not clear about what your supervisor wants from you — ask questions.
  • Ask your boss and others for positive (not just negative or corrective) feedback.
  • Learn to “whine with purpose” to the people who impact and determine change in your organization. Ask the person for permission for you to give them some feedback on the proposed change. Use the DASS script to plan what you will say to them rather than reacting in anger.

             Describe the problematic decision or change
             Acknowledge how you feel about the change and the impact on the team
             Specify a solution
             Share with the person how this new plan will benefit him/her

Are you on FaceBook or Linked In? Let’s connect. You can find me on LinkedIn at: or on FaceBook at:


A new Favorite Resource:

Zonya movement_training_med-thumb-240x240I’ve had such great results from a fitness program that I’ve been doing since January that I’m going to pass the information on to you. My friend and speaking colleague, Zonya Foco and Movement Training Expert, Sherry McLaughlin put together a $15 DVD called the “Movement Training Program for Everyday Fitness.” The benefits I’ve enjoyed include stronger back (less pain) and core, flatter stomach and tighter butt. I’ve tried many different programs but none produced such good results.

The program is based on five Key Movement Facts: (1) You were designed to be symmetrical. (2) You were designed to move in three planes of motion. (3) Muscles only learn the lessons we teach them. (4) Pain (with age) is not inevitable. (5) It’s almost always about the butt.

Check out the free demo they have on Zonya’s website:

Let me know what you think…


Have a wonderful Spring!

Patti Hathaway, CSP & Business Advisor

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Your customized program provided us with the tools necessary to help us put change into perspective and to look to the future with renewed energy and optimism. Since your presentation, our group has experienced very little turnover. This is a true testament to the effects of your insights.


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