The Change Agent Blog:

Special St. Patrick’s Day Offer

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

…I knew you would not want to miss out on this Exclusive Private Invite to Celebrate…Today, March 17, St. Patrick’s Day! Do one simple thing today and within minutes the leprechauns will ‘gift’ you with a Pot o’ Gold filled with wisdom from over 50 of this planet’s most treasured authors, entrepreneurs, and speakers!

My friends and I came together to offer you this huge Pot o’ Gold with 50 + bonus gifts worth thousands of dollars, ABSOLUTELY FREE. WHY?  To support a dear friend of ours, Maureen G. Mulvaney, MGM. Help make her dream come true by celebrating the launch of her book: The Women’s Millionaire Club ~The Closely Guarded Secret Success Recipes of Millionaire Women for Building and Owning a Home-Based Business.

Think about it – the last recession we went through spawned many new successful entrepreneurs. Perhaps now is the time for you to learn more about what it takes to be successful?

But what if you are not a woman? No problem. Forward this offer to women you think may be interested. Or, just take a look at the free offers and you may want to buy the book for a friend just so you can take advantage of the 50 free bonus gifts (including mine).

MGM is my friend and an internationally known speaker and author.  She has inspired and motivated hundreds of thousands to transform their lives–I know she will inspire and motivate you. That’s why, I’m offering both of my Tips booklets (93 Tips for Managing Change and 107 Tips for Developing Customer Loyalty) as one of the Pot o’ Gold Free Bonus Gifts.

This is YOUR Exclusive Private Invitation to Claim Your Pot o’ Gold and Discover the Secret Success Recipes that will Explode Your Home Based Business. Click on this link to Open Your Exclusive Time-Limited Invite:

Thanks for Making MGM’s Dream Come True,
I know her Book will Help You Make Your Dreams Come True!
~Together, We Can Make This Book a Best Seller!

Patti Hathaway, CSP
Solving People Challenges

P.S. Don’t forget – to get your discount and Pot o’ Gold Bonus Gifts–Order
The Women’s Millionaire Club  Today…St. Patrick’s day…March 17, 2009!

Click on this link now to See All the Details:

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You were simply fantastic! Being at the end of a conference is a challenge of its own, to keep people’s attention as their minds shift toward leaving and their energy eggs. You were so entertaining, so engaging, and so thought-provoking that the group, instead of fading was highly charged and connected. You are clearly one of the best speakers I have seen.

The Ohio State University

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