The Change Agent Blog:

The Myths and Realities of the Successful College Search – Feb 19 Special Program

valentine box-thumb-240x240Time-Limited Event Special Invitation – February

I am co-delivering a one-tie program for high School parents: The Myths and Realities of the Successful College Search

Are you overwhelmed with finding the right college for your student? Not sure where to even begin? Do you have a strategy for figuring out what your student wants to major in and how their interests match to specific colleges? Do you want your student to earn scholarships but don’t know where or how to begin the process of getting them noticed? This workshop will address the top five myths of the successful college search:

  1. My student will do most of the college search work him/herself and/or the HS guidance counselor will help my student find the right college.
  2. Any school will do as long as my student goes to college.You can take side-trips to visit colleges while on your summer vacation.
  3. Top academic students will automatically get scholarships.
  4. Only top athletes get athletic scholarships.
  5. Taught by two moms, Patti Hathaway and Karen Matis, who have done extensive research and who have been successful in helping their students through the college search process. They will share with you what has worked for their families and how you can do the same.

Who Should Attend: High School Parents and Students

Date: Thursday, February 19, 2009

Time: 7:00-9:00 p.m.

Location: Heritage Christian Church, 7413 Maxtown Road (Westerville, Ohio 43082), Room 210 (follow the signs to the room). Main evening entrance is on west side of the church.

RSVP by February 17 to: (so we have enough chairs and outlines) or register on-line (scroll down alphabetically for “Myths and Realities of the Successful College Search”)

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Your workbook is one of the finest workbooks I have seen in 15 years of taking classes at DFAS. Super instructor! Subject matter well-covered and well delivered.

Defense Finance and Accounting Service
Department of Defense

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